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Data Types

Data Type are the specific data type for a database collection field. While reading or inserting, there can be converted with DataType Adapters (Show below).

List of data types

DataType Description
DOUBLE Represent decimal numbers
DECIMAL Represent decimal numbers
FLOAT Represent decimal numbers
INTEGER Represent numbers
LONG Represent long numbers
CHAR Represent short amount of characters
STRING Represent a set of characters
LONG_TEXT Represent a very long text, in most sql databases, the max size of the column would be multiple gb
DATE Represent the java date
DATETIME Represent the datetime
TIMESTAMP Represent the sql timestamp, it can be got from timestamp long
BINARY Represent all binary data
UUID Represent uuid class in java, by default the uuid will be converted to binary
BOOLEAN Represent boolean

DataType Adapter

A data type adapter convert a specific java class to another at inserting and converts it back by reading from the result.

Create an own adapter

In this example, the preregistered uuid type adapter is used. View the UUIDTypeAdapter example at github.

Write operation

The write method will be called by inserting, finding, deleting and updating a value.

public Object write(UUID value) {
    byte[] uuidBytes = new byte[16];
    return uuidBytes;

Read operation

The read operation will be called by using the getObject(key/index, javaClass) method in QueryResultEntry. If there is no adapter registered for the class, an exception will be throwed.

public UUID read(Object value) {
    return Convert.toUUID(value);

Default data type adapters

By default, there are several data type adapters registered. On your choice, you can register and unregister all adapters at runtime.

Default adapters: - UUID - InetSocketAddress - InetAddress

Last update: 2020-12-15