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Driver config

The driver config is the base of database driver. It contains the required options to connect the driver to your database. The driver config is divided into remote database driver config for connecting to remote databases and local database driver configs for connecting to local databases like file databases.


You need a slf4j logger in your runtime. Either you declare a logger on your self, or you can use a PretronicLogger and set it as a slf4j logger instance.

Setup a PretronicLogger as slf4j logger instance:

PretronicLogger logger = PretronicLoggerFactory.getLogger();

Create a driver config

There are two options to create a driver config. One option is to load it from a document or from a file and the other option is to create a driver config directly from the code. In these examples, we use for the local database config example h2 portable and for remote MySQL.

Loading from a document

Config examples

For a local database:

location: 'databases/'
driver: 'net.pretronic.databasequery.sql.driver.SQLDatabaseDriver'
name: 'Default'
dialectName: 'H2Portable'
useSSL: false

For a remote database:

address: ''
username: 'root'
password: '******'
driver: 'net.pretronic.databasequery.sql.driver.SQLDatabaseDriver'
name: 'MySQL'
dialectName: 'MySQL'
useSSL: false

Load a driver config from a file:

DatabaseDriverConfig<?> config = DatabaseDriverFactory.create(DocumentFileType.YAML.getReader().read(new File("driver-config.yml")));

Create directly from code

Create a h2-portable driver config:

DatabaseDriverConfig<?> config = new SQLDatabaseDriverConfigBuilder()
                .setLocation(new File("databases/"))

Create a mysql driver config:

DatabaseDriverConfig<?> config = new SQLDatabaseDriverConfigBuilder()
                .setAddress(new InetSocketAddress("", 3306))

Last update: 2020-12-06